Friday, May 17, 2013

Last post for a while. :(

Well, this is probably gonna be my last post until maybe next year.  School is coming to an end for my seventh grade life. Maybe the next time I  post I'll be an eighth grader. So, So long my followers. Until next year.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

Beautiful Dress

A-line Satin Beading Strapless Knee-Length Trendy Homecoming Dress

I love these dresses... My favorite one is the white and pink one.


This Piglet is soooo cute I just had to share it.

OFF TOPIC!!!!!!!

Well, this is off topic but my school is always full of drama. My cousin's sweat pants got hidden and everyone is blaming me. I have been swearing up and down that I didn't do it but as usual no body believes me. It Sucks...badly. It makes me really mad. My other cousin was going to take the blame but my English teacher wouldn't let her. I didn't do it but if i took the blame I would get suspended from school for the rest of the year. OH MY GOSH!!!! (Sorry God, I still Love You)

Unknown Frogs

I don't know what kind of frogs these are but they are cool looking. I would like to know what kind of frog they are but I got it off of Google Chrome. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Stalking Cat 2

this is the sequil to the first stalking cat video on my blog.